
Search "user:Chess-Monkee"

3 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Opponents should not be allow to claim victory if a forced mate is on the board.#3

Yeah, it is too bad you lost but just because there is a mate in whatever doesn't mean the player can see that or would move that way. I have missed mate in one a bunch of times.

Lichess Feedback - Two Puzzles Are Identical#1

Puzzles #89365 and #89366 are the same puzzle... I just played it twice in a row. Funny, the ranking on #89365 is 1858 and the ranking on #89366 is 1597...

Lichess Feedback - Lost game in time while waiting for opponents move.#5

Yeah, it is probably that you lost connection to the server and so your move appeared to have been made on your device but the system didn't record it. This is a problem I have had too. A solution wou…
