
Search "user:diego_cic"

19 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - The invisible enemy that is blocking your chess improvement.#7

@Whale_YT said in #5: > webinar Hey, check your inbox!

Community Blog Discussions - The invisible enemy that is blocking your chess improvement.#6

@Rod_Villa_Zambo said in #3: > "webinar Hi Rod, check your inbox!

Community Blog Discussions - The invisible enemy that is blocking your chess improvement.#1

Comments on

General Chess Discussion - How is your experience working chess with your office colleagues?#1

Have you ever been challenged by a coworker or a colleague? Is this person your rival? Haha, share your experience.

General Chess Discussion - How chess has impact your profession or career?#1

They say that chess has multiple benefits. Do you think that practicing chess has helped you to be a better professional?

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General Chess Discussion - A very importante question to get better in chess!#1

Hey everyone, I'm currently trying to find out how one could make the progress of chess players a lot easier and faster ;) This is why I have two very simple questions: 1.As a Lichess chess player, wh…

General Chess Discussion - Are you below 2000 barrier? My experience may help you!#11

Hey thanks for the replies, I will send your direct messages to talk about how I could help you :)

General Chess Discussion - Are you below 2000 barrier? My experience may help you!#1

Hello everyone, love being in this forum and getting to know everyone! I remember years ago I’ve always struggled with reaching the 2000 rating barrier. I don’t have that problem anymore - thank God! …
