
Black Lion

How many of you play the black lion opening or even know what it is?
I know what it is and that S, Williams has a program about it but never played it ( And will not )
I've read about this opening. On general principles, it's a bad opening. The general idea is to move all you pieces to the kingside and hope a checkmate happens.
It is good. Black gets a solid, but cramped position. It is hard to play correctly, but it is OK.
It's basically the Hanham Philidor, with an aim for a kingside attack. It's certainly a decent opening - solid, though somewhat cramped, with a playable game. There's room for both sides to go wrong.

As a note - there's a lot of marketing around openings that are "unbeatable" or that you can "crush your opponents with". Keep in mind, this is indeed marketing as there is no such thing as an opening to guarantee a win. Capablanca, for instance, was allegedly weak on opening theory and won his games through just "playing chess" in the opening, excellent middle-game execution, and superior end-game technique. If you like the resulting position and understand the ideas on both sides, then it's a good opening for you.

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