
What do you think Europe will look like in 2050?

@Tamerlan2306 said in #11:
> We all know because of whom..
Whom? WHOM? Tell us whom should we blame for violeence on the streets. I want to know, what causes violence in the streets and therefore what causes the فتنة in the West.
@WassimBerbar said in #12:
> Whom? WHOM? Tell us whom should we blame for violeence on the streets. I want to know, what causes violence in the streets and therefore what causes the فتنة in the West.
<Comment deleted by user>
I think the coming crisis of western civilization is because of internal cultural collapse, there have been waves of immigration over the centuries ( most recently at the end of WW2 ) and they were integrated into the west because there was a stable social structure that was strong and flexible enough to adapt.
@Tamerlan2306 said in #11:
> We all know because of whom..
I do not know
Would you mind telling me?
It id Bad to keep knewledge for yourself
Spread it among us
It's only 26 years. Those choices are made today. Europe currently consists mostly of people who vote for more racism and less climate policy.

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