
I need help from a lichess moderator with a question about turnaments.

How many tournaments can you maximum create that has not started yet ?
Is 12 tournaments maximum ? If so can you get a higher number from lichess ?
I have created 12 right now and I need to create atleast 18 more but it will not work.
It will not work even if I try to do it in another team.
I want to create the tournaments in advance that is why so many.
Can anyone help me pls.

@Sokeres A lichess user can create up to 3 tournaments a day, with the exception of event managers that are allowed to create more
I don't know how many tournaments you create in advance but I say that you can edit your post 3-4 times(especially the word "turnaments").
kertandidi, I do not now what you mean with "event managers" I am owner of some teams and I created 12 tournaments today but I need to create some more tournaments in another team but I can not create anymore tournaments. I need answer from someone that knows the right answer to my questions above. Thank you.
@Sokeres You can't create more than a certain number- do you have fellow team leaders that can help you?

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