
Panic Attack

@Oportunist said in #9:
> Bro ,ive gotten into forums for a while now,ive observed that you say sadistic stuff to everyone ,whatever issues you have,nobody here is responsible for it,dont take it out of people that had nothing to do with your anger issues
They're British, so it makes sense
<Comment deleted by user>

It's just a part of the process of grief
In time it will lessen as your heart heals
Remember your pet with love,
Hold the memories tight
And eventually the panic will pass
And you will be left with sweet remembrance
Of the love you have shared

My heart goes out to you
I've lost many a pet over the years
And though they only brighten our lives for a while
They live forever
In the joy
They have brought us
@Dukedog said in #16:
> @Rainbow_Pink_Lover
> It's just a part of the process of grief
> In time it will lessen as your heart heals
> Remember your pet with love,
> Hold the memories tight
> And eventually the panic will pass
> And you will be left with sweet remembrance
> Of the love you have shared
> My heart goes out to you
> I've lost many a pet over the years
> And though they only brighten our lives for a while
> They live forever
> In the joy
> They have brought us
Thanks for the peom.... It's really nice

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