
One of the fastest Sicilian's I've ever played.

Some of engine proposed white response with queen eating pawn but I'm disagree. Good games
NIcely done mate. Going after the pawns isn't the best idea as per my experience unless ur playing with really good player who can setup traps. Overall your game was pretty awesome it. I like the timing of the captures especiallly the Bxd5 which left the pawn hanging on d5 and on f3. Then how black had to use its light squared bishop just to protect that hanging pawn. However, the player could have used the pawn to give it protection. And then the move no 17 Qb4+ would not be played beacuse the pawn which was protecting it would be protexted by the Bishop sitting on c8.

If you want to study different variation around this it would be really good? DM me if you wanna do so :)

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