
Learn -> Position Memory

I'm a new player and when I go to read books I find it quite tedious needing to play through all the examples on a board. I want to develop the skill of accurately picturing the board in my mind.

The coordinates and openings training on lichess are pretty useful for a beginner like myself, and I think this would be a great addition. I'm imagining it like this: you're shown a starting position, then a list of moves is shown to you in algebraic format (like when the coordinate is shown to you in the coordinate training) one after the other (more moves the higher your rating is). You then have to move the pieces to their appropriate positions.

So for somebody with low rating like me, lets assume the starting position is all the pieces on their original squares. For higher rated players the starting position might be bookline positions towards the ends of openings, and possibly complex midgame positions. A series of coordinates appear on the screen, one after the other, but the pieces do not move.

1. e4, c5
2. Nf3, d6
3. d4

Once all the coordinates are shown, the player moves all the necessary pieces. Perhaps you could recycle the code from the openings training, so you have a little circle that goes green for each piece correctly moved.

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Your task, by the way, would be to move the pieces to their final position, not through every movement. So no matter how many times a piece is moved in the coordinates you are shown, you only move it once to its final position.

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