
Blunder or good move?

Looks like it's because it allows black to target your backward pawn on g3 based on the lines the computer is spitting at you (34...Bd2+ 35.Kc4 Be1!), which could cause a lot of complications seeing as black gets a protected passed pawn on the f-file—making you play more precisely than you should have to.

The computer recommends 34.Kc4 because it prevents black from achieving that maneuver. Either 34...Rxd5? 35.Kxd5 Bd2 36.Ke4 Be1 37.Kf4/f3, where the king makes it in time to defend g3, or 34...Bd2 35.Re7 Be1 36.Rxe1! Rxe1 and your well-placed pieces and three connected passed pawns more than make up for the exchange.

Hope that helps clarifies the engine's assessment. Nice win btw
Thanks bro, appreciate this
Really helpful comment, I understand now

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