FM psykaac Lichess coach picture

FM Ilija Stanojevic

I would like to share my skills with you how to feel better in this game

LocationBelgrade Serbia
LanguagesEnglish (US), Српски језик, русский язык
RatingFIDE: 231725682540
Hourly rate1lesson = 50€ 10 Lessons=400€
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

I am Ilija Stanojevic 21 years old CM. I live in Belgrade in Serbia. I started with chess when I was 4 years old. More than 3 years of coaching beginners in an earlier stage. The concept of my lessons is planned in advance for at least 20 lessons. I will make a plan for how we will work after I see what is the most critical segment of your understanding of chess. That's the part that we are starting

My website:

Things that might help you:
1. Study and Practice Consistently: Chess is a game that requires constant study and practice to improve. Set aside regular time for studying chess theory, practicing tactics, and playing games.
2. Analyze Your Games: After each game, take the time to analyze it thoroughly. Look for mistakes and missed opportunities, and try to understand why they happened. This will help you identify areas of weakness and work on them.
3. Play Against Stronger Players: Playing against stronger opponents is a great way to challenge yourself and learn from their mistakes. Join a chess club or find online communities where you can play against stronger opponents.
4. Learn the Endgame: The endgame is often neglected by beginner and intermediate players, but it is a critical part of chess. Study and practice endgame positions to improve your ability to convert winning positions into victories.
5. Stay Calm and Focused: Chess is a game of strategy, but it's also a game of nerves. Learning to stay calm and focused under pressure is key to success. Practice techniques like deep breathing and visualization to help manage your emotions during games.

Teaching experience

I offer a comprehensive training program that covers various aspects of the game. This includes teaching opening theory such as Sicilian Defence, French Defence, Kings Indian, Pirc, Dutch and different gambits based on your style of play. Additionally, I focus on developing middlegame strategy and tactics by providing tricks and tips and enhancing basic understanding through the process of thinking. Endgame principles are also discussed, with emphasis on King activity, Rook and Queen endgames, and general principles. I also provide guidance on calculation and positional understanding by offering tactical tips, identifying weaknesses, and crucially focusing on what to think about. In analyzing games, I show students what they should play, consider psychological factors, time control, and provide personal advice/experience. I assess the student's playing style, whether positional or aggressive, and help them find an opening repertoire based on that. To further enhance their knowledge and success in endgames, specific endgames are studied, and additional homework in the form of Chessbase or Lichess files is given. Homework is based on the concepts discussed in the lesson, which helps students control their improvement. For long-term progress, a plan is formulated after one month of lessons.

Best skills

I am well-versed in all aspects of chess, with a particular focus on the middlegame and strategy. While I am proficient in the opening, I believe that strengthening one's understanding of strategy and tactics is the key to success in chess. Many players lack a strong foundation in these areas, and improving this can significantly improve their overall play. By combining a solid understanding of strategy and tactics with a strong foundation in the opening, I am confident that I can achieve success in my chess endeavors.

✔️I offer comprehensive chess instruction, covering all phases of the game, including the opening, middlegame, and endgame.
✔️My focus is on helping students develop strong strategic and tactical skills, as well as a solid understanding of calculation and positional play.
✔️ I will work with you to identify your strengths and weaknesses and create a customized plan to help you improve.
✔️ I will also provide guidance on how to analyze your games, fix mistakes, and develop a more cohesive and effective style of play.
✔️Additionally, I will provide homework assignments and Chessbase and Lichess study files, and can help you create a long-term plan for continued improvement after three months of lessons.

Teaching methodology

🔎(FOR STUDENTS WHO START LEARNING FROM 0 ) Start with the basics: teach the names and movements of the pieces, how the board is set up, and the basic rules of the game.

20-hour long term plan By Lesson:

📘Lesson 1: In the first lesson I will play with you one game with black pieces and one game with white pieces, after the games, we will discuss them, analyze them, and figure out what mistakes you made in the games.

📘Lesson 2: Showing you opening principles - I will explain the importance of controlling the center and developing pieces in the opening. That will be the lesson just for openings and to see what will you like the most. I will find out in the first weeks what type of player you are and I will give you best advices how to learn new openings.

Openings that I am always suggestion to my students to start learning because it's very popular and sharp: Sicilian for White, Bishop Opening for white  (1.e4-e5 2.Bc4-...), CaroCan for white, Italian, RuyLopez(Spanish) For Black : e4-e5, Sicilian, Pirc, French Deffense | on d4: Kings Indian, Semi-Tarasch, Dutch...and more + Gambits 

📘Lesson 3: Introducing you to the topic "Improving the piece" and how you can improve all your pieces effectively in the game

📘Lesson 4: Analyzing your games and showing you mistakes, missed tactical opportunities, find the best way how to win better position for you..etc

📘Lesson 5: How to spot what is critical position and how to make middle game strategy after successful opening

📘Lesson 6: Learning the openings deeply that I suggested to you ( Depends on your style)

📘Lesson 7: Covering the topic Prophylaxis with instructive examples of sharp positions -When there is no good option how to start with your plan, use prophylaxis to make useful moves and make your position stronger for attack 

📘Lesson 8: Making Positional Advantage; Developing pieces in the right way-->Making plan-->Target weaknesses-->Attack

📘Lesson 9: Paying more attention on the openings 

📘Lesson 10: Combining Tactics and Strategy

📘Lesson 11-13: Focusing on the endgames

📘Lesson 14-20: Checking a lot strategical and tactical topics as: Provocation; Restriction as a key part of making a good plan, Making The Initiative, Blockade the position at the right moment, Creating weaknesses, Facilitating Attack, Facilitating defense, Using opponents Weak Squares for making advantage

🔎Plan of lessons are flexible and it depends on your playing style - after every lesson I will send you the material that we covered in that lesson.

Public studies

Studies for 2200+elo

2 • FM psykaac •
  1. Chapter 2: Mate in 3 ( difficulty around 2300elo )
  2. White to play and wins ( difficulty around 2400elo )
  3. Chapter 3: White is playing and wins (difficulty around 2500elo)
  4. Chapter 4 : White to play and wins (difficulty around 2600elo )
  1. FM psykaac