
Your Chess Journey Should Inspire You

Chess practice is a reflection of your life.⁣

Hey, adult improver, reality check post here.⁣

Chess practice is a reflection of your life.⁣

If you are on good terms with chess, you will see chess as your way of:⁣

- Enjoying your time⁣
- Discover some beauty moves⁣
- Creating art⁣
- Excitement⁣
- Have fun⁣
- Strive in life⁣

If you are on bad terms with chess, your chess experience will be⁣

- Full of frustration⁣
- Fear to lose⁣
- Anger⁣
- Resentment about giving so much time to something you are not even enjoying⁣
- Coping with other things and playing multiple because that’s how you get distracted.⁣

Your chess journey should enrich your soul and lift your spirit.⁣

Chess is about overcoming challenges, getting stronger, and discovering new things about yourself. Negative feelings will appear for sure.⁣

But people who enjoy the journey know it’s just a part of a bigger picture.⁣

Sadly, most people will spend their lives in such depressing loops. ⁣

How can you tell you are not enjoying your chess journey? Improving sounds like a burden, and you are considering quitting.⁣

If you want to learn how to enjoy your chess journey better and strive in life, let me invite you to have a discovery call with me this week.⁣

In this call, we will discuss how you can enjoy your chess journey and improve. Forever.⁣

Comment “me” if you want me to send you an invitation.⁣

Hope this helps⁣

See you on the winning side.⁣

-Coach Diego