
Bullet trick and tips

Today we will learn how to increase your bullet rating!

So hello and welcome to my blog after seeing the title you would be knowing what we will be seeing today!

Yes! you are right we will see bullet tricks!

First we will see quick opening traps then go to the opening preparation.
I have made a study for you to check out

After seeing the study come back here

So now we will see openings which we should follow for bullet

here check the first chapter
So i would recommend the london system or the queens gambit to play since the give you a lot of moves to premove and save time

Middle game:
i can just tell you that you should play a simple middle game because that will allow you to keep the time advantage in the endgame and most probably win on time

check out this study

chapter number 2 it is only 1 endgame but this is the most common endgame and likely you will also get this endgame and win

So i thank you for reading this blog and if you like it then just leave a like :)
Till then wait for my next blog!