
Check Mates Team

127 members

We are reaching out to you with great enthusiasm and excitement as we extend an invitation for you to join our chess team, "The Check Mates." Your exceptional skills and strategic prowess have not gone unnoticed, and we believe that your presence on our team can make a significant difference as we climb the ranks of the Bundesliga.
We would be honored to have you as a key member of our team, and we believe that your commitment will be a driving force behind our success. If you are interested in joining us on this exciting journey.
Thank you for considering our invitation. We look forward to the possibility of welcoming you to the "Check Mates Team" and achieving great victories together.


Lichess Liga 14A Team Battle5+0 • Blitz • Rated • 1h 40mBattle of 10 teams
Rapid Revolution Team Battle10+5 • Rapid • Rated • 2h 30mBattle of 69 teams
TOP 5 TEAM BATTLE Team Battle¼+0 • UltraBullet • Casual • 1h 30mBattle of 12 teams
Lichess Liga 13C Team Battle3+2 • Blitz • Rated • 1h 40mBattle of 10 teams
Blitz Revolution Team Battle5+3 • Blitz • Rated • 2hBattle of 64 teams