
General Chess Discussion

RepliesLast post
Practice vs Play1
by Orphan_X
Approach to middlegame books0
by sukon88
Why does my time run out faster?3
by <erased>
Let's chat about lichess puzzles vs. and share tactic practice resources.3
by Geelse_zot
Loses again comes in waves. Is it me or something else?12
by Jimothy-Jangles
Chess Jokes Part 233
by Gravija
what features you like on chess robot0
by leatangerine
How to evaluate my chess progress?18
by mkubecek
Is cheating for losers?38
by DuMussDieUhrDruecken
Mike Tyson and Garry Kasparov6
by grendizer
Rated around 1850 FIDE, looking for sparring partners of same level (30+30 games) #29
by Justement
Best Antichess Opening Move2
by ProgrammerAngrim
I'm back after two years.1
by ambrooks
Does “playtime” make a difference?5
by Mario-0
Opening Explorer percentages seem inconsistent12
by michaelbluejay