RepliesLast post
Challenge a friend0
by big_idjit
Mobile App Alpha97
by RolandABC
Does anyone know when bots will be added to the new app?0
by ila-meerayso
Design of the new app4
by ila-meerayso
Stockfish 16 beta32
by dboing
Zen mode "only in games" does not work in Alpha Android App1
by veloce
by PotatoLord_The_Great
Frequent reconnects, seemingly only on lichess62
by schlawg
Issue with total puzzle count after syncing offline puzzles - Android2
by BaronVonChickenpants
Auto Orientation not working1
by mightypawnmi
Club limit0
Add brillant moves or great moves which actually makes more hype and it shows us what we did great7
by ondrisek
New puzzle mode named custom puzzles,that let you change the rating of your puzzles,from 600 to 40001
by ChickensGoCluck
iOS Beta Testing1
by <erased>
Lichess tutor beta testing0
by trompe_loeil